Replica Inflatable Cans & Bottles


Let us create a large scale Product Replica to inflate your brand awareness and make an impact at any size event! Giant Inflatable Product Replicas are a really effective advertising solution that can generate unrivaled exposure. Whether you're at a large scale outdoor event or festival, or inside at a mall or trade show, our expertly crafted product replicas will get you noticed!

Let us create a large scale Product Replica to inflate your brand awareness and make an impact at any size event! Giant Inflatable Product Replicas are a really effective advertising solution that can generate unrivaled exposure. Whether you're at a large scale outdoor event or festival, or inside at a mall or trade show, our expertly crafted product replicas will get you noticed!

We offer sizes from 7ft to 25ft tall, in both Constant Air (built in or external electric blower) and Sealed Air (inflates with an electric pump and stays fully inflated for up to 24hrs).

Pricing is based on an inflatable bottle or can with straight edges, however our highly skilled design team can create virtually any size or style product replica you can imagine! If you need something a little different please contact our sales team for a custom quote at (888) 777 4506 or via our Contact Form


Replica Inflatable Bottles Include

  • Design visuals and print layouts
  • UNLIMITED full color Pantone printing
  • A powerful electric blower or pump
  • Tie down ropes and heavy duty steel stakes
  • Waterproof storage bag
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • 8-10 business day production


Design Ideas Include: Inflatable Spray Paint Cans, Beer Bottles, Beer Cans, Liquor Bottles, Energy Drinks, Replica Inflatable Jars

Replica HeightConstant Air 600D NylonSealed Air 0.6mm Vinyl
7ft $1,099 $1,149
10ft $1,149 $1,319
12ft $1,299 $1,499
15ft $1,599 $1,819
20ft $1,899 $2,149
25ft $2,299 $2,599
MaterialAvailable SizesAir FlowBlower TypesWarranty
600D Polyester / 0.6mm Vinyl 7ft to 25ft Tall Constant Air / Sealed Air Built-in / External 1yr
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